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The idea of the death of God in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

Autor: Maja Vučković „Pojam ‘Bog‘ izmišljen je kao pojam protivstavljen životu – u tom pojmu je užasno objedinjeno sve štetno, otrovno, klevetničko, čitavo smrtno neprijateljstvo prema životu! Pojam ‘onostranosti‘,... More

Problematic basis of apocalypse

Apokalipsa (gr. Ἀποκάλυψις – podizanje vela), u današnjem kontekstu svakodnevnog govora najkraće opisivana kao kraj sveta i veka (u Bibliji kao delovanje kojim Bog sebe otkriva stvorenom svetu), svojom transcendirajuć... More


U određenju ovog pojma (ukoliko se logički može odrediti kao pojam, kao ono što jeste, a da se pritom odnosi na ono što nije) treba rasvetliti nekoliko termina, odnosno drugih pojmova, koji su njim obuhvaćeni. To su n... More

Why is there me?

Da li je potreban dokaz za telesnost, protežnost? Kako da znamo i sa-znamo da je ono (telo) istinito? Ako dokazujemo neposredno, čulima, ukoliko bi telo bilo neistinito, varka, i ona, čula, takođe bi to bila, te stoga... More

Welcome to My Website!

Here you will find a variety of articles on bioethics, aesthetics, ecophilosophy, activism for animal rights and protection, as well as tips for healthy and peaceful life - yoga, veganism etc. Also artistic and decorative items I create, a part of the workshop AHIMSA YOGA & ART
I hope you will find much more than that, an motivation for your activities and personal development in the first place.
Namaste, Maja


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Animals are not pets, laboratory or labor animals by birth, but they are grown by man, cultivated and sold for that purpose; they are free beings who become all that by the captivity.

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